Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Man Few Knew

[submitted by Mom]

This the man who said his own private prayer everytime he drove a car. The man who knelt by his bed every night to say his prayers, up to the day he moved to Angel's Home. The man who criticized the Church harshly, only because anything he loved so, needed to be perfect. The man who sang for forty years in a church choir. "Praying twice" he said. The man who never counted the cost of a catholic education for his children because that's what he wanted for them. The man who, as his alzheimer's progressed found calm in many visits to church. From the time we were engaged this is the man who held my hand every night before we slept as we said the Our Father. This is the man who blessed his babies as he said good night to them. This was John, the man rarely in view but always at heart.

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